Thursday, December 1, 2016

Python for Machine Learning

Before we step into Neural network and Machine learning, we should setup Python environment. I prefer to use Python for machine learning since it has better libraries and it's so easy to code. If you have used Python before, you would know it 😜.

If you use Mac or Linux you don't need to download Python, you already have it. If you use Windows, you can download the latest version of Python interpreter from here. I recommend you to install  PyCharm since I will be using PyCharm IDE in the future. You can download the latest version from here.

After installing Python, type Python in the command prompt. It will show you the Python version, if you have installed and set the variable path correctly.

Now open Pycharm and create a new project. Give an appropriate name for the app and select the Python interpreter. Keep it in mind to select the latest version of the interpreter.

After creating the project, go to File >> Settings >> Project:MyFirstApp >> Project Structure (or Ctrl+Alt+s). Right click on the project root and add a new folder. Then name it as src and make it the source root by clicking the sources icon.

Now right click on the src directory in the Project tool window and add a Python file. 

Now add the following the code and Run (Ctrl+Shift+F10). It will print "Hello World".

  1. __author__ = 'User'
  2. class HelloWorld:
  3.     print ("Hello World")

Now you know how to run a HelloWorld program in Python. This is just an introduction to Python. Before step into neural network and machine learning, you should have a fine knowledge in Python. I highly advise you to refer Python tutorials. 

In my next post, I will create a simple neural network using Python. Good-bye until then. 😊

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